Hillary Bauman, creator of Cirrus: The Red Storm, which is a hand-painted graphic novel, now up to two issues. She also had a couple of clay models from the Cirrus comic book on display. The other book she was promoting at WonderCon was Gallelai (sp?), a teaser issue, of a “Casablanca in space,” she said. Cirrus is painted in gouache, and Gallelai is created digitally. She is self-publishing through IndyPlanet.com. Hillary has been making comics for a few years; she has been a painter for many years. She does a lot of scenic painting for theater companies. She went into comics because it’s a happy medium between everything she does. She’s self-taught, and works with theater companies in Los Angeles. Like Tanya Bjork and Jordon Montsell, WonderCon is her second convention as an exhibitor; Long Beach Comic con was her first exhibiting experience.